Read below for instructions on how to set live wallpaper on Desktop Windows PC
Click on this link if you want instructions on how to set live wallpaper on Android mobile phone
Latest MyLiveSoftware Software for Windows PC is now out!
Click to download the installer (70 mb)
How To Set Live Wallpaper for Your Desktop Using MyLiveWallpaper Software
Step 1: Go to and click on any live wallpaper you like.
Step 2: Click on the button under “Live Wallpaper for Desktop”
Step 3: After you watched the ad, click on the close button
Step 4: Click on the button to download your fee live wallpaper
Step 5: Launch the software and go to “Locate File”.
Click on the “Browse” button and search for the live wallpaper you downloaded.
Step 6: Click on the file and click on “Open”. The software can play .mlw and .mp4 files.
Step 7: The live wallpaper will start playing. You can close the software now.
Step 8: Enjoy your new live wallpaper!
What’s new in this version
– Fixed the “Unable to get desktop window” error for users using Windows 11 24h2
– Users can select a folder full of live wallpapers and the software will play random live wallpapers from that folder.
– Added the depth parallax feature
– User can add 1 mp3 music file or a folder full of mp3 music files
– For live wallpapers, the software accepts .mp4 format and .mlw formats
– For depth parallax, the software accepts .jpg and .mlw-depth formats
– Changed logo to a red wolf 😀
– Free to Use
System Requirements:
– Windows 8.1, Windows 10
– 1 GHz or faster 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor
– 2 GB RAM
– DirectX 9 compatible graphic card
If you do not like to use the MyLiveWallpaper software, you can use the alternative software below:
Live Wallpaper for Windows
Wallpaper Engine – $3.99 on Steam
Live Wallpaper for Mac
iWallpaper – Free
Live Wallpaper for Android
Wallpaper Engine -Free on Google Play