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How to install MLW app version 2.2

Introduction: This is a step-by-step guide on how to install the MLW app version 2.2. As you can see I have the old version on my desktop.

Step 1) Go to mylivewallpapers.com to download the latest version of the MLW app. Click on the blue “Download” button.

Step 2) I have downloaded and unzipped the file. I placed the new version on the desktop. I double-click on the new version that I just downloaded.

Step 3) The pop-up says “Looks like you have an older version of MLW app on your PC…” Click the “Yes” button.

Step 4) If you get another pop-up that says “Unable to uninstall older version of MLWapp”, don’t worry; you have to uninstall the older version manually first. Click the Ok button to get rid of the pop-up message.

Step 5) Click on the tiny arrow to open your system tray.

Step 6) Click on the tiny MLW app icon on the system tray. Click on the button that says “Open App” to open the MLW app.

Step 7) Click on Settings and then, click on Uninstall.

Step 8) Once you clicked the uninstall button, the old MLWapp icon on the desktop will be removed automatically.

Step 9) Double-click the new version app icon and you can start using the app. Enjoy! 🙂

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